A Cat Wandered Into My House And Wouldn’t Leave
Let’s face it, if any animal would deliberately make you late for work it would be a cat. Love them or loathe them, there’s no denying that cats positively enjoy being jerks making this a more than plausible excuse, especially if your employee isn’t confident around animals. Picture the scene: Your diligent employee opens the front door with plenty of time to get to work and next-door’s feline answer to Satan immediately streaks past them and sits in the hallway demanding to be fed. Cue several hours of hilarity while your employee tries unsuccessfully to persuade their new lodger to leave without being clawed, bitten, or otherwise horribly maimed. You may not believe this one, but you have to appreciate it.
Plausibility: 7/10 Okay, it might not stop them from showing up for work at all but this could happen. Plus, the claw marks, or lack thereof, will prove the story tomorrow
Entertainment: 10/10 If your employee being held hostage by a cat doesn’t make you laugh we’re not sure what will