Employee Availability

Easy Planning

Rather than trying to keep track of everyone’s availability with a wall of sticky notes, sit back, relax, and let your team do the hard work for you.

After all, who knows their availability better than they do?

With the ability to set one-off or recurring unavailability, as well as choosing whether they're unavailable for the entire day or just part of it, having employee availability automatically factored in when assigning shifts should make all of your lives easier, whether they need to fit their hours around the school run, have committed to taking their elderly relative shopping each week, or just really hate Mondays.

Availability on the Schedule

Calendar Overview

With unavailability and leave flying around left, right, and centre, having a calendar overview can come in handy every now and again.

Especially if you’re concerned a particular employee constantly seems to be unavailable - or never seems to take a break!

Having availability pull through to the schedule allows you to easily check upcoming and historical leave and unavailability for each employee, helping you to manage your team more effectively.

Staff Availability

Straightforward Scheduling

Of course, when it comes down to it the main benefit of logging unavailability is being able to schedule shifts that suit both you and your team. After all, there’s not much that’s worse than publishing your shiny new schedule just to be hit with an influx of requests for changes.

Instead, when you assign shifts you’ll only be shown the employees who are available so that you can make plans while safe in the knowledge that your team will be where you expect them to be, when you expect them to be.

Employee unavailability will even display on the main scheduling calendar so you’re not left wondering why you haven’t scheduled employees for more days. Useful, right?

Hear from our customers

" Shiftie has been a game-changer for us. Having tried other scheduling software with limited success, we started using Shiftie and saw immediate benefits from both a management and team perspective. "
Stuart Beare
Stuart Beare
Tulleys Farm
" Giving out shifts and finding cover is a much faster process, as I'm no longer looking through spreadsheets trying to find out who is available and if they are actually able to do the rolls that I need them to cover. The whole thing is much easier to see and that makes the process of rostering quicker, cleaner and with less errors. "
Kelly Sweeney
Kelly Sweeney
Otago Museum
" Shiftie has allowed us to efficiently plan our staff rotas well in advance and stay on top of all things staff concerned during our busiest time of the year. It has provided us with great stability and allowed staff members to understand their shifts, jobs and roles with more ease than ever before. Shiftie have been great at listening to our feedback and building new features to suit us and countless other companies. "
Charlie Hine
Town Farm Camping