Introducing Schedule Assignment

Assign employees to schedules instead of locations and view multiple locations on the same schedule, giving you more ways of configuring your rotas and making it easier to keep track of your team!
We've made a few changes to how the relationship between employees, schedules, and locations work! Up until now, both employees and schedules have been assigned to locations. This has worked well if you just have a small team based at one location, but it’s been a bit messy if you have multiple teams at the same place, with your entire team all fighting for space on a single schedule.
It’s been possible to work around this by setting up multiple locations for one place and using the extensive filtering options, but we’ve been keen to make it easier for you to manage going forward. Now, schedules will no longer be formally tied to locations, but will instead have the ability to display assigned employees regardless of what locations they work at. This will mean that you’ll be able to configure your schedules in the way that makes the most sense to you, whether that’s having individual schedules for different teams, having a schedule per location, or any combination of the two. As part of the change, you’ll see a new location field when adding shifts.
Schedules will have a primary location, which any new shifts will default to, but if you’re assigning a shift to an employee who doesn’t work at the primary location then the shift will either default to their location if they only have one, or will allow you to choose the correct one from a dropdown. Shift assignment will be streamlined as well; when you’re assigning a shift we’ll only show employees who are assigned to the relevant schedule and location to make it easier to find the best fit.