Introducing Shift Swapping

Say hello to shift swaps! No more haggling with employees, trying to balance the integrity of the schedule with their abrupt need to work entirely different hours without warning; instead, let them work it out with their team members, only bringing it to you once it’s a done deal.
Shift swapping has long been a feature of the manual schedule, and for good reason. After all, if you have a shift that you don’t want to work and your colleague has a shift that they don’t want to work, and you’d both rather have the other person’s shift then swapping is the obvious answer. It’s not always that straightforward for their manager though. What if there was a specific reason why the shifts were assigned that way? What if one of the employees has a higher pay rate than the other, or different contracted hours to meet, or isn’t trained to do something that’s essential on the other shift? Trying to work all of that out, balance the pros and cons, and make a decision when you’ve got both employees in front of you putting you on the spot can be an absolute organisational nightmare, especially when they’re not the only ones asking.
That’s where digital shift swapping comes in; Shiftie checks whether each employee is eligible for the other shift, keeps an eye out for other conflicts, and handles the awkward employee-facing bit for you. You can choose whether to allow shift swaps to go through without management oversight if both employees are suitable for the shift they’re requesting, or to require line managers to sign off on swaps. If you choose the latter then we’ll summarise the swap, including any cost changes, ready for you to approve or reject at a time that suits you.
Sound interesting? Check out our full guide to get started.