Introducing SMS Notifications
![Image Coming Soon](/uploads/Site_Assets/image_coming_soon-image%28992x744-crop-autorotate%29.png)
![Introducing SMS Notifications](/uploads/news/introducing_sms_notifications-image%28992x496-crop-autorotate%29.png)
There’s nothing more frustrating than creating the perfect rota only to find out that no one knows about it. Especially if you only find out when they don’t turn up for their shifts. Up until now Shiftie users have been able to receive notifications via email and push notification but we were keen to extend the options to include text messaging, making it easier for users to be notified in the way that best suits them. Want to receive new shifts by text, holiday approvals by push notification, new documents by email, and timeclock reminders by all three? Good news; you can do that. A word to the wise though; don’t enable all channels for all alerts unless you really want to drown under a pile of notifications. Trust us, it isn’t pretty.
Having visions of your employees immediately receiving texts for all kinds of trivial things and costing you a small fortune? Fear not! As well as choosing whether or not to enable SMS messaging you can also control which notification types are eligible to be sent as texts. Employees will only be able to choose from the options you give them, giving you the flexibility to run your business in the way that best suits you.
You’ve also got control of how payments are handled; when you first enable the feature you’ll be able to choose how many SMS credits you want to buy and we’ll automatically renew your credits whenever you only have 10% left. That lets you control whether you want to buy lots of credits infrequently or fewer credits more regularly, depending on your business and what works for you. And if you change your mind? You can turn SMS notifications off at any point. Just make sure you warn your team!
Interested? Our friendly Business Development team are on hand to chat through the new functionality with you, or if you can’t wait to get started then you can check out our handy user guide for a full explanation of the process. Either way, happy scheduling!