
June 2024 Product Updates

Last updated: 25th June, 2024
Improvement New
25th June, 2024

Additional Leave Entitlements

Not all staff are entitled to a fixed leave allowance for the year, Shiftie will provide the tools to let staff accrue their leave or have leave types deduct their allowance from other leave types such as Annual Holiday. Accrual will be based on the number of approved timesheet hours within the current leave period for the employee.

3rd June, 2024

Schedule Performance Improvements

As part of some ongoing changes to improve Shiftie’s performance, we have recently released some time-saving enhancements to the schedule so that your employees and shifts are loaded quicker. Spend more time scheduling and less time waiting for the dreaded spinner so you can enjoy your summer evenings.

May 2024 Product Updates

Last updated: 13th May, 2024
13th May, 2024

Include all entries in the Time Clock Export

Previously only “Working” timesheet entries would be exported to CSV but we’ve listened to your feedback and adjusted to your requirements. Now the Time Clock Export will include all “Due In”, “Working” and “Finished” shifts and timesheet entries to make this a more useful tool for running attendance registers or dealing with emergencies such as fire drills.

13th May, 2024

Print Schedule Adjustments

The schedule print options have been optimised to be more understandable for a better user experience. We’ve also adjusted the job role options so that you can print the schedule in your desired format, including printing the job role colour without including the job role name for a more compact output. Use this tool to easily print the schedule and pin it to a wall in your staff rooms so your staff are always up-to-date with their shifts.

April 2024 Product Updates

Last updated: 16th April, 2024
16th April, 2024

Leave Types Displaying on Schedules

Knowing when your staff are on leave is helpful but understanding their reasons is useful too. Now it’s even easier to identify the type of leave your staff have booked. From Annual Leave to Study Leave, you can now view leave type names and colours on the schedule to quickly identify why your staff are taking time off.

15th April, 2024

Mobile Timesheets

Following the recent upgrades to Timesheets on desktop, these are now also available on mobile devices to let you easily review and approve entries on the go.

March 2024 Product Updates

Last updated: 19th March, 2024
19th March, 2024

Filter Timesheets by Tags

Additional filter controls for Timesheets to show and export entries with the selected tag.

Improvement New
11th March, 2024

Time Clock Settings per Location

Manage Time Clock settings for different locations, controlling whether employees can clock in on their personal devices, Clock In Portals, or both.

February 2024 Product Updates

Last updated: 13th February, 2024
13th February, 2024

Enchanced Timesheet Export Filters

Take control of your payroll management with advanced timesheet export filters. Export a custom date range of entries and further refine them by group or employment type, providing enhanced flexibility and precision in managing your payroll processes.

2nd February, 2024

Enhanced Employment Types

We've expanded the range of employment types that can be assigned to an employee. From full-time workers right through to apprentices and volunteers, you're now able to easily classify your team, ready to inform your business reports.

January 2024 Product Updates

Last updated: 15th January, 2024
15th January, 2024

New-Look Timesheets

Our timesheets module has had a refresh, simplifying and streamlining the process for reviewing employee time entries.

Simplified View The key change has been streamlining the module to contain all the information you need on a single centralised page. You now have the ability to jump between employees while remaining in the same view, making it quicker and easier to handle your teams' time entries. Quick Tools We’ve also introduced additional tools to let you effortlessly add details for missed shifts based on the schedule or quickly approve bulk entries. This speeds things up whether an employee has forgotten to clock in or has consistently clocked in perfectly, leaving you able to pay your team promptly and save the time to spend on more exciting jobs. Advanced Filters Our filter enhancements make finding individual time entries easier, too. Search for entries with particular tags, or filter to view specific employment types like full-time and part-time. No more wasting time trawling through different employee profiles to find the information you need; instead, it’s right at your fingertips.

11th January, 2024

Additional Employee Import Fields

You're now able to add even more detail when importing employees into Shiftie, helping to save time when getting set up.

7th January, 2024

Introducing Our Updated Dashboard

We've improved the Shiftie dashboard to make it more useful than ever! The new version includes a range of personal and team summaries to help make your schedule as efficient as possible, as well as highlighting any items that need attention.

December 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 21st December, 2023
21st December, 2023

Delete Multiple Open Or Unassigned Shifts

We've expanded our shift deletion options; when you have multiple identical open or unassigned shifts you can select how many you want to get rid of instead of having to choose either one or all of them.

21st December, 2023

Print Unpublished Shifts

When printing your schedule you can choose whether to include any unpublished shifts as well, helping to customise it to your team's needs.

November 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 1st November, 2023
1st November, 2023

Notifications Update

The notifications section has been becoming steadily more obsolete as we’ve introduced Requests and improved the dashboard, and we’ve now removed it altogether. You’ll still receive all the same notifications as before, but now they’ll live in more logical places in the app, instead of all being lumped in together.

1st November, 2023

Shift Stacking On Week View

We've tidied up the schedule! If you have more than one type of unassigned or open shift set up for a day they’ll now stack one on top of the other to save space. Clicking on the top one will display all the others, as well as giving you the option to add more.

October 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 1st October, 2023
1st October, 2023

Auto Clock Out For Unscheduled Shifts

Fed up of unscheduled shifts running on for days or weeks when your team forget to clock out of them? Us too; that's why we've introduced a new auto-clock-out setting. Going forward, unscheduled shifts will automatically end after 12 hours if they aren't stopped before, with the timesheet defaulting back to a 1-hour shift, ready for you to edit as required.

1st October, 2023

Bulk Actions On Leave Tab

You can now bulk assign leave approvers and set public holidays on the Leave tab in the Team section, saving you time when managing your employees.

September 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 1st September, 2023
1st September, 2023

Shift Reminder Notifications

Are your employees in a perpetual state of amnesia about their shifts? Fear not, we've now added pre-shift reminders that'll make your team's life easier. Now, you can effortlessly schedule shift reminders to grace your employees' inboxes before their shifts begin. Want to give 'em a nudge 15 minutes, 2 hours, or 12 hours ahead of time? We've got you covered on all fronts.

Simply head on over to your settings, click on notifications, and voila, you'll find this option ready and waiting to be set up. Say goodbye to shift no-shows.