
June 2024 Product Updates

Last updated: 25th June, 2024
Improvement New
25th June, 2024

Additional Leave Entitlements

Not all staff are entitled to a fixed leave allowance for the year, Shiftie will provide the tools to let staff accrue their leave or have leave types deduct their allowance from other leave types such as Annual Holiday. Accrual will be based on the number of approved timesheet hours within the current leave period for the employee.

4th June, 2024

Export data from your schedules

Shiftie has a wide range of tools to help you schedule your teams with ease however we understand that nothing can be perfect. This is why we have added the ability for you to export your schedules to CSV format to manage in your favourite spreadsheet software such as Excel. This will also help in times when you just have no signal and require a downloaded version to check on the go.

April 2024 Product Updates

Last updated: 10th April, 2024
10th April, 2024

Hide Shift Job Roles

Opt to hide shift job role details from employees, ensuring they show up to their shifts without prior knowledge of their assigned roles.

9th April, 2024

Time Off Policies

Set up multiple leave policies to manage varied holiday year start dates in line with employee contracts.

2nd April, 2024

Manage Leave Types

Create, edit, or remove leave types so employees can only request leave for reasons your company permits.

March 2024 Product Updates

Last updated: 11th March, 2024
Improvement New
11th March, 2024

Time Clock Settings per Location

Manage Time Clock settings for different locations, controlling whether employees can clock in on their personal devices, Clock In Portals, or both.

February 2024 Product Updates

Last updated: 7th February, 2024
7th February, 2024

Scheduled Breaks

Optionally set start times for shift breaks to make sure your team don't all end up on lunch at the same time.

January 2024 Product Updates

Last updated: 24th January, 2024
24th January, 2024

Passport Number Field

Allow your team to log their passport numbers against their employee profiles.

December 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 21st December, 2023
21st December, 2023

Introducing Our Clock In Portal

Your team can now clock in and out via designated portals on site, instead of having to use their phones. This is designed to make Shiftie more accessible, as well as helping to prevent employees from forgetting to clock in.
To find out more, or to get a new portal set up, check out our handy user guides.

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November 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 1st November, 2023
1st November, 2023

Onboarding Widget For Employees

Fed up of constantly reminding your new team members to update their profile? We've added a new widget at the bottom corner of the page to help them with onboarding.  Staff will now be prompted to add their details and unavailability when they first get started, making the Shiftie experience better for both of you.

1st November, 2023

Team Manager User Permissions

We’ve introduced a new permission level to make it easier to manage access to your Shiftie account. The new Team Manager role has the same permissions as Schedule Manager, plus the ability to manage documents, timeclock, team, leave, and job roles.

August 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 1st August, 2023
1st August, 2023

Break Start Time on Time Clock

When viewing the time clock overview you’ll now be able to see when your team members went on break, and how long they’re expected to be gone for. Much better when you're waiting for an employee to return before you can take your own break!

June 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 1st June, 2023
1st June, 2023

Automatic Timesheet Approvals

You can now set timesheets to automatically be approved if they meet your specifications, saving valuable admin time.

May 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 1st May, 2023
Improvement New
1st May, 2023

Colour-Coded Job Roles

Job roles now have assigned colours, making it easier than ever to spot them on the schedule. You can update the colours for each job role in your settings, giving you hours of fun getting your colour combinations just right.

1st May, 2023

Team Messages

Send emails to your entire team or specific groups, locations, or employees straight from your Shiftie account.

Improvement New
1st May, 2023

Hourly Leave

Add, book, and manage leave in hours as well as days, allowing you to tailor leave allowances to individual employees.

April 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 3rd April, 2023
3rd April, 2023

Hide Shift Tags from Employees

Set up secret shift tags that only your management team can see, for more efficient scheduling.

February 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 1st February, 2023
Improvement New
1st February, 2023

Schedule Conflicts

See any conflicts clearly highlighted on your schedule, making it easier to spot and resolve any issues.

1st February, 2023

Shift Swapping

Allow your team to swap their shifts with eligible colleagues, improving their working experience and reducing your admin burden! You can choose whether shift swaps just need to be agreed between employees, or if they need to be approved by a manager.

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January 2023 Product Updates

Last updated: 2nd January, 2023
Improvement New
2nd January, 2023

Save Shift Templates

Quickly create a new shift template when adding a custom shift, saving you from having to create from scratch each time.